RAVPower FileHub Plus vs HooToo
Travel Router Comparison
Portable routers play an important role in convenience and security when traveling around using public WIFI. The great news is that they’re very affordable and we have some great options to choose from. This RavPower Plus vs HooToo travel router comparison is proof of that. These two options both have tons of features and extras. Both are often sold for less than $50. But, everyone wants to know, which is better? Let’s put them head to head and find out!
RAVPower Plus
Model No: RP-WD03
Dimensions: 5.4″ x 3.6″ x 1.6″
Band: N300 (2.4 GHz)
Data Transfer: 3-7 MB/s
Power Bank: 6000 mAh

RAVPower Plus Manual
Model No: HT-TM05
Dimensions: 1.65″ x 1.65″ x 3.74″
Band: N300 (2.4 GHz)
Data Transfer: 3-7 MB/s
Power Bank: 10400 mAh

RAVPower FileHub Plus vs HooToo: Travel Router Comparison Review
Both of the travel routers in our comparison have been around for some time now. Neither is the latest in technology, but let’s face it, they’re great and they’re inexpensive! You could pay more for something faster or with a 5GHz band if you want the best travel router, but most don’t need it. These seem to be the go-to solutions in the industry.
Both the RAVPower FileHub Plus and the HooToo TripMate Titan are similar in many ways. Both can be used as a router, access point or in bridge mode. Both are N300 and use only the 2.4GHz frequency. In addition, neither are an actual wifi hotspot router and neither support VPN. They both also cover media sharing across mobile devices and offer Chromecast support. This is perfect for when you cannot get Chromecast onto the hotel authentication network.
There’s really not that much different about these two. In an effort to differential them for comparison purposes, we’ll dig deep.
Power Bank Size
While both filehub travel routers have a power bank, the HooToo tops the RAVPower Plus with a 10400mAh size. The RAVPower only has 6000mAh, so roughly just over half the size. In order to keep this in perspective, it should be noted that most portable travel routers have NO power bank.
Drive Readers
One of the cool features on travel routers is their unique ability to connect your mobile device through a wireless connection to a drive of some kind. In the case of this comparison, both routers can connect to a portable SSD hard drive or a USB stick, but only the RAVPower Plus has an SD card reader.
Router Size
Both of these routers is small, but as you can see from the dimensions listed above, the HooToo Filehub is tiny. If this matters to you when you’re traveling, that’s your best bet.
To reiterate how similar these filehub travel routers really are, they’re even priced almost identically most of the time. If you find one is on sale for a significantly lower price than the other, you should grab it. Both are great options and will work great for you. In order to determine which is better for your needs, just consider the 3 main differences and decide which means the most to you.
1. Power Bank Size (HooToo 10400 mAh vs RAVPower Plus 6000 mAh)
2. SD card port on RAVPower but not HooToo TripMate
3. Router Size (HooToo smaller than RAVPower Plus)
As we mentioned above, neither of these travel routers is the latest technology. We wouldn’t feel right about this comparison if we didn’t mention that there is (in our opinion) a better travel router. Click on the image below to see it, and all our favorites.